Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Reviewing on Amazon (update)
Reviewing on Amazon
Back again!! Several readers have asked me to repost this from last week. I’ve made a few changes because my suggested way doesn’t work for everyone outside the UK but hopefully it does now. Please note Tenore has now been released in the US, Canada, Germany, Japan and other countries so the same system will apply on these sites. How I wish Amazon would make it easier to review single tracks of albums but they don’t - yet. I haven’t tried Amazon.com’s Tenori MP3 page, or on .ca, .de, .jp but I should think they work in a similiar way to the UK site.
The following is part of an email I received recently from a delightful Fantoine marketing expert, Sue Zange, who asked if I could explain the importance of Amazon reviews on Tenore.
I know we are all loving the wonderful success Jonathan is achieving with this first solo album Tenore. We Fantoines can help even more in keeping the momentum going. Let’s keep the pace up with letting everyone know how wonderful it is and post our reviews on Amazon. #telltheworldaboutjonathan
Amazon reviews are a critical part of ensuring Tenore stays high in the charts. Of course not all of us are wordsmiths and even those who like writing reviews can find it slightly difficult finding enough adjectives to describe Jonathan’s exceptional talent and personality. One word will suffice if you’re stuck, because now Amazon don’t insist upon a defined number of words in a review. You can write a review on Amazon even though you purchased Tenore elsewhere.
Here is the link for the CD on Amazon UK. Once you’ve finished your review on that page, please go to the Tenore MP3 page and do another if you don’t mind. Not tired yet? Then scroll down the MP3 page and review each track by clicking on the name of each track (not the ‘play’ arrow). If you have problems please email me.
If you do read other reviews please click the YES button at the side of ‘do you find this helpful’. All these actions are collated by Amazon and will keep Tenori high in the listings.
Once you’ve done all that, sit back and relax in the knowledge that you’ve made a great contribution towards keeping 'our boy' up there where he belongs. In a couple of days your help will be needed all over again by reviewing, using the same procedure, on Amazon.com once Tenore is released in the US.
Thank you all so much. Every little helps and remember, your review is as important as every other one.
Should anyone have any questions about reviewing please email me and I’ll do my best to help. Email address is over there. >>>
Monday, 3 November 2014
Ending on a High Note
Once again this week Jonathan tops the Classical Album charts (for the third week running) and Classic FM’s chart too (for the second week running). A marvellous achievement - I’m sure you all agree.
Another exciting piece of news is that there is now an Official Fan website for all you lovely Fantoines so I see no need to continue with the blog.
On the new site there is a forum, which is an area for all to discuss past and future events and all things Jonathan, but please remember it is a public forum. In other words anyone who has access to the internet will be able to read what you write. Do think twice before you contribute anything personal to it because once it’s on the internet it’s there forever.
I wish the new site every success and hope it goes from strength to strength - which I’m sure will be the case. There will be one last post in the future when I will close the poll and let you know the results, but I will leave it open at the moment because TENORE is released today in the US!
So it’s cheerio from me and thank you all for your support in the past year. It’s been fun and hopefully helpful to those of you who don’t use Facebook and/or Twitter.
Note: This blog will not be deleted but left online as it is a record of Jonathan’s early journey in his professional career. Tweet
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Many of us who use Facebook and/or Twitter chat about out favourite TENORE track. Jonathan likes all of them of course.
I know some of you have noticed I placed a Poll in the right hand column >> last week. In fact there have been over 2,000 votes to date which is wonderful, although I know some of you have voted for more than one track so the figure doesn’t mean voters but votes.
My favourite track(s) change regularly but I do have four which are played on a daily basis.
You can vote for as many tracks as you like and as often as you like, so I will leave the poll in place for a while. Once you’ve voted you will see the results of other votes.
Have a go. Don’t forget, you can come back anytime and vote again if you change your mind about your choice(s). The results will be interesting.
Just a gentle reminder - have you posted your Amazon/iTunes reviews?
Saturday, 1 November 2014
London Poppy Day - Covent Garden (video)
Captured by the lovely Fantoine I mentioned in yesterday’s post, who has firmly stated she doesn’t want her name made public because she ‘gets carried away with the moment and forgets she’s recording’.
Of course many of us know who she is because she will attempt to record Jonathan at every opportunity and then she is immensely generous sharing her recordings with us.
A big thank you
Friday, 31 October 2014
London Poppy Day and Reviewing
Yesterday Jonathan took part in London Poppy Day which is a fantastic annual event organised by the British Legion.
He started his day on a London bus visiting No 10 Downing Street (home of the British Prime Minister) and images of him flew around the television channels during the morning. The above was captured by Jan Smith Head Fantoine who keeps us on our toes!
Following his chat with the Prime Minister, the bus left for Covent Garden where Jonathan did a special Balcony Show on the Uk release day of his album (13 October in case you’ve forgotten).
We’re very lucky to have a recording of his performance at Covent Garden taken by one of the Fantoines, but I’ve been a little remiss and not asked her permission to use it - although I’m sure she will be thrilled - so ‘tune in’ tomorrow, by which time I will have her assent. It’s certainly a video you won’t want to miss.
The photograph to the left is a sneak preview of Jonathan on stage at Covent Garden yesterday afternoon.
There were lots of photographers there so other photos are bound to appear on the internet. Try ‘googling' for them.
Another subject altogether: Reviewing on Amazon
The following is part of an email I received recently from a delightful Fantoine marketing expert, Sue Zange, who asked if I could explain the importance of Amazon reviews on Tenore.
I know we are all loving the wonderful success Jonathan is achieving with this first solo album Tenore. We Fantoines can help even more in keeping the momentum going. Let’s keep the pace up with letting everyone know how wonderful it is and post our reviews on Amazon. #telltheworldaboutjonathan
Amazon reviews are a critical part of ensuring Tenore stays high in the charts. Of course not all of us are wordsmiths and even those who like writing reviews can find it slightly difficult finding enough adjectives to describe Jonathan’s exceptional talent and personality. One word will suffice if you’re stuck, because now Amazon don’t insist upon a defined number of words in a review. You can write a review on Amazon even though you purchased Tenore elsewhere.
Here is the link for the CD on Amazon UK. Once you’ve finished your review on that page, please go to the Tenore MP3 page and do another if you don’t mind. Not tired yet? Then scroll down the MP3 page and review each track by clicking on the name of each track (not the ‘play’ arrow). If you have problems please email me.
If you do read other reviews please click the YES button at the side of ‘do you find this helpful’. All these actions are collated by Amazon and will keep Tenori high in the listings.
Once you’ve done all that, sit back and relax in the knowledge that you’ve made a great contribution towards keeping 'our boy' up there where he belongs. In a couple of days your help will be needed all over again by reviewing on Amazon.com once Tenore is released in the US.
Thank you all so much. Every little helps and remember, your review is as important as every other one.
Should anyone have any questions about reviewing please email me and I’ll do my best to help. Email address is over there. >>>
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Happy Birthday!
My dream would be to post a video with Jonathan singing Happy Birthday, but that’s not going to happen, so the graphic will have to do.
It’s a year since I started this blog and to date I’ve published 157 posts about ‘our boy’ and his achievements. How time flies.
I want to say a big thank you to the thousands of you who have visited in the past 12 months. Also, I’d like to give a big thank you to the many Fantoines who have given their permission to use their fabulous photographs, videos and creative works of art. Their input to posts is invaluable. Thank you each and every one of you. There are too many to name individually (that’s my excuse because I have a dreadful memory and I may cause offence if I leave someone out).
Quite a few people have asked who is involved in writing the blog and I have had to admit it’s a ‘one-man-band’. Me.
My online pseudonym is Subrosa although I use JonathanFan to post here. Don’t ask me why I didn’t use Subrosa because I’ve no sensible answer! It’s not easy to remember so far back (ageing has its negatives), but I possibly thought JonathanFan was more appropriate to this particular blog.
It was my idea to have a source, outwith Facebook and Twitter, for anyone who wanted information about the fantastic tenor Jonathan Antoine. There was very little online about Jonathan a year ago and I thought it important to boost his online presence because, as most of you know, Facebook and Twitter are only a small percentage of the internet experience.
That was then. What a difference a year makes doesn’t it? Jonathan has come into his own and when anyone googles his name they see up-to-date images and articles about his ongoing achievements. Wonderful isn’t it?
Note: May I reiterate that this blog is not associated in any way whatsoever with Jonathan, his family, Sony (his record label) or his management. It is run by me for his worldwide fans and the opinions expressed are my own. The comments - always greatly appreciated - are yours.
Monday, 27 October 2014
Covent Garden (video)
Thanks to Fantoine Pam Rose for this video of Jonathan at his Balcony Show in Covent Garden last Monday 13 October - Tenore release day. Tweet
Sunday, 26 October 2014
TWO Number Ones This Week!
click to enlarge
The radio station Classic FM published their weekly music charts earlier this evening too.
click to enlarge
You can read a short article about Jonathan’s achievement here. Classic FM is a very popular media outlets for classical music and is highly regarded in the music world, so achieving immediate Number One status is great news.
Another exciting start to a new week.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Jonathan Smashes Chart Record
Whilst browsing the web to see what other tenors have been top of the UK Classical Charts, I came across the Wiki page of Jonathan Ansell. Seems he’s held the accolade of youngest tenor ever to hold this position. Ansell was 26 at the time.
As you all know ‘our’ Jonathan is only 19 and now holds the position of top of the UK Classical Charts this week (unless anyone can find evidence of someone younger). He’s now the youngest ever!
I do hope ROAR (his management team) and his PR make an effort to ensure this information is supplied to all entertainment and music media. It’s a very important accolade for ‘our boy’.
Congratulations Jonathan!!
The image above is from Bjarne Hemmingsen who travelled, along with his wife Bente, from Denmark to see Jonathan in the Bridgwater Hall, Manchester on Saturday evening. We’re so lucky to have such superb photographs made freely available to us. Thanks Bjarne.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Jonathan’s Interview on BBC Scotland (audio)
BBC Scotland’s Classics Unwrapped Jamie McDougall interviewing Jonathan earlier this evening.
Many thanks to Matt McCauley who kindly recorded it. Tweet
Monday, 20 October 2014
Interview BBC Radio Scotland Tuesday Evening
Image by kind permission of Fantoine Lin Gee
It’s always good to be rewarded isn’t it?
For months I’ve been emailing Scotland’s radio stations about Jonathan but none has a programme similar to the wonderful Chris Needs at BBC Radio Wales.
However, undaunted - well most of the time - I’m reliably informed by the BBC that tomorrow evening (Tuesday) at 8.05pm, the BBC Radio Scotland’s Classics Unwrapped presenter Jamie McDougall, will be interviewing Jonathan and playing a track from Tenore.
This weekly programme lasts for nearly 2 hours, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it while you wait for Jonathan’s interview. Please tune in by your various methods. If some of you overseas would like to put your ‘method’ and the link in comments that would be a great help to those who haven’t attempted listening to a radio station outside their own country. Thanks.
Now all I need is for a few more of Scotland’s radio stations to recognise exceptional talent when they hear it. It will happen, but we’re slow up here.
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Number One
We all knew Tenore would be a smash hit but it’s good to see it in type on your screen.
The weekly UK Music Charts were published earlier this evening and Jonathan is No 1 in Classical Albums.
Such a marvellous achievement and a worthy reward for all his hard work. I’m sure you will agree with me that he has worked tirelessly promoting his album in the past months.
Oh, below is a photo from his appearance, with Sara and Mario, at The Last Night of the Autumn Proms in Manchester last night. Another standing ovation I’m told. Bravo!
Saturday, 18 October 2014
TENORE Celebration Video
One of our lovely Fantoines is putting together a video in celebration of the release of Tenore. Her message is below and details of how to join in the video above. Let’s all make it a great success and remember - there’s room for everyone!
Please replace the AT with the @ symbol in her email address. Thanks.
If you want to be included in the Tenore Celebration Video please email your photos with the album, name and town/city to ducky.fantoineATgmail.com .. I know some albums won't arrive till mid November so the video won't be completed till early December. Tweet
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Fame At Last?
Is the blog famous now that Jonathan Shalit has tweeted the link last week?
Jonathan Shalit OBE@jonathanshalit |
Jonathan Antoine’s Fantoinesjonathanantoinefans.blogspot.
07:37 AM - 11 Oct 14 | |
I feel all Fantoines do their utmost to promote Jonathan as much as possible and prior to the release of the album in the UK, Sony have made tremendous efforts to ensure it is available worldwide, but I’ve never been too impressed by ROAR’s part in the promotion of Jonathan. With the exception of the odd tweet they’ve been invisible. (For those of you who don’t know, ROAR is Jonathan’s management company and Jonathan Shalit is his manager.)
What do you think? Have you noticed any promotions or promotional material from ROAR for Jonathan - other than a few tweets from Mr Shalit?
I’m not going to let Mr Shalit’s tweet go to my head although I thank him for his recognition and suggest fame would have reached our magnificent young tenor with or without the help of ROAR, but it may have taken slightly longer.
As Chris Needs says: “The cream always rises to the top.”
What a delight it is to be part of the incredible musical journey of Jonathan Antoine. His album is breathtaking and I cannot find enough adjectives to describe how I felt whilst playing it for the first time. It will be winging its way to you soon if you haven’t received it already.
What a delight it is to be part of the incredible musical journey of Jonathan Antoine. His album is breathtaking and I cannot find enough adjectives to describe how I felt whilst playing it for the first time. It will be winging its way to you soon if you haven’t received it already.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
TENORE Party Sydney Style
Two lovely Australian Fantoines, Allison Gentle and Kath Christensen, decided to have their very own Tenore release party on Monday (UK time).
What a great idea and it looks so much fun. Perhaps some of us can think of something similar for Jonathan’s next album?
Thank you ladies for allowing me to post this here. Much appreciated.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Monday, 13 October 2014
Oh Happy Day!
photo courtesy of Fantoine Pam Rose
I received some of mine but not all. Disappointing really because I ordered mine in batches so as they would fit through my letter box in case I wasn’t at home. Amazon are usually very efficient with delivering here in the Highlands of Scotland, but my sympathies lie with those of you outside the UK who can’t even download the MP3s as yet. Please believe me it’s so very, very worth the wait. Today I ran out of adjectives for Jonathan’s album - I’m sure you can understand the reason. It’s so good.
Unfortunately I’ve not been online tonight until now so have had little chance to see much of the excitement since morning and the latest wonderful graphics which have been produced by Fantoines, but here is a link you may find very interesting. (For some reason I’m unable to download it directly to the blog).
Here is another link to the Classic FM (radio) where John Suchet is playing Jonathan’s album as 'album of the week' on his show just after 10.00am (GMT) from today until Friday. Please try and listen although I know it’s the middle of the night for many of you.
Some Fantoines have suggested Filmon is a good way to access such programmes outside of the UK. A comment below mentions Hola as another way to access programmes from abroad. These are not recommendations from me but I hope one of them works for you.
I’ll post more news tomorrow but if you have anything you would like posted on the blog please let me know. My email is over there >>> and I am on Facebook as Subrosa Blonde.
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Hours, Not Days, To Wait!
click to enlarge
The lovely Debby posted this super graphic on Facebook just after midnight last night and I couldn’t resist posting it here. Isn’t it so apt for today? Thanks Debby.
It seems a few UK Fantoines have received their signed copies of the CD but they live around the London area. The rest of us will have to wait until at least Monday for the postman, but I’m hoping the Amazon mp3 will be released at midnight tonight.
Jonathan returned home from Finland yesterday. He’s posted an item which was on Finnish television news (there’s a short video accompanying it for you to enjoy too).
Don’t forget, when you do receive your album, please write a review on Amazon and/or iTunes. The reviews are important and will be used by Sony to gauge the success of the album in the UK and to plan Jonathan’s future appearances. There are many loyal Fantoines who live outside the UK who are desperate to see Jonathan sing live in their countries and your review will help their dream. Thank you.
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Friday, 10 October 2014
Special Balcony Show, London
On Monday, 13 October, Jonathan will be singing from the above balcony at 1pm.
The venue is overlooking the famous Covent Garden Piazza (opposite St Paul’s Church), London.
The performance is to celebrate his album release and also to pay tribute to Pavarotti whose birthday would have been 12 October.
If any of you are in London this coming Monday perhaps you may manage to go along and give support to ‘our boy’.
Destination? Finland!
After hours of frenzied guesswork by Fantoines, this morning Twitter revealed Jonathan flew to Helsinki in Finland yesterday and performed at the Nordic Business Forum 2014. The above photograph was sent, via twitter, by an enamoured member of the audience.
Another photograph via twitter:
The Events page has been updated. Tweet
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Television, Recording for Charity and Heathrow
Jonathan is to appear on the Lorraine Show tomorrow (Friday) at 8.30am on the UK channel ITV1. I do hope the iPlayer makes it available for all of you overseas. It would seem he has pre-recorded his performance as the above photo is captioned ‘Jonathan Antoine leaving the Lorraine studios (in London)’. It was taken this morning.
This afternoon he took part in a charity recording, at London’s famous Air Studios for Global’s Make Some Noise charity.
The photo shows him with Anna Berry (who produced his album) and Julian Reynolds (head of the Royal Academy in London), listening back to the charity single “Steadfast’ which will be completed later tonight and available on iTunes from midnight.
If you do use Twitter look under the hashtag #makesomenoise for further information.
Then, when we didn’t think we would hear any more from Jonathan (as he had tweeted he’d left home at 5.30am this morning), another tweet appeared a couple of hours ago.
At Heathrow airport

Where is he going? Who knows? The suspense is thrilling though!
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
More Pre-Release Excitement
I’m a bit late with this news but have only heard Jonathan will be appearing on QVC UK tomorrow morning at 9am. Hopefully a Fantoine will manage to record it and if so I will post it here.
Other news involves the a Tenore Launch Party pack. You can download it from the link on Jonathan’s website (on the home page there is a red box on the bottom right and the party pack is the revolving 4th image). The pack includes the lyrics to all the tracks so no matter where you live, be it Europe, Australia or Japan, we can all sing along when we receive our CDs, mp3s or vinyls (although I think the signed vinyls will become works of art rather than being played on a turntable.
Chris Needs has been fantastic in his support of Jonathan and all this week he’s playing tracks from Tenore on his nightly programme. It is accessible from most countries.
A little fun from Jonathan can be seen on YouTube. He posted the video on his Facebook page and on YouTube but, as it’s unlisted, he has asked for consideration to be given to it being shared. I decided, under the circumstances, not to embed it here but to provide a link instead. Do view it. It’s the first time we’ve seen his playing guitar and singing. I’ll let you discover the song for yourself.
Monday, 6 October 2014
Pre-Release Excitement
Picture: Paul Marc Mitchell
Isn’t this a super photograph? This past week has been so busy for ‘our boy’ as he promotes his album and he will be as busy this week.
The Daily Telegraph was very complimentary about Jonathan’s performance at the iTunes Festival last week, but I was slightly disappointed with the lack of other reviews from the main stream media. It seems few leading newspapers employ journalists who specialise in the arts these days which forces people online. Sadly quite a few of our older generation now miss out because, for one reason or another, they do not use computers. Throughout the UK classes are provided for anyone who would like to learn about IT (Information Technology) so please try to encourage the older members of your family to ‘have a go’.
There was an excellent interview with Jonathan in the Yorkshire Evening Post a couple of days ago, plus Sony released a super video in which Jonathan discusses each track of his album. Unfortunately it is too long for posting on this blog but it can be seen on YouTube. Don’t miss it because those of you who have yet to meet Jonathan will finally hear him talking and it’s a wonderful insight into his reasons for his track choices.
Tenore, as well we now being available on Amazon Germany (release date 21 October), is now available for pre-order from the US iTunes store for those of you residing in the US. The release date is still early November but it will be worth the wait as we all know.
Friday, 3 October 2014
Core n’grato - English Translation
Isn’t this a wonderful illustration and it includes the English translation of Core n’grato as you can see. To enlarge it just click on the image.
It was designed by the lovely Debby who has given me permission to reproduce it here. Thanks so much Debby. Tweet
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Jonathan Guest Of Placido Domingo
Today’s the day! This evening, at 9pm UK time, iTunes will broadcast live the finale of the iTunes Festival starring Placido Domingo. Have a told you he’s my second favourite tenor? Possibly! As we already know Placido has invited Jonathan to be his special guest so Fantoines are very excited. Many have managed to get the free tickets and will be travelling to London for the event.
For those of you who are having difficulty accessing the live broadcast let me help if I can. Firstly you need to download the iTunes app because you won’t be able to access the broadcast without it. Apologies for the link applying only to OSX (the operating system for Macs) but because I use a Mac it tends to automatically send me to the Mac site.
If you use a PC, Android device or iPad just google ‘iTunes for xxx' (your device) although I’m not sure it will work on devices. Desktop computers and laptops are your best bet.
Don’t forget to register the app as I don’t think you will gain access without doing that.
Once you’ve downloaded the app then all you have to do is google 'iTunes festival 2014’ and you will automatically be directed, through iTunes, to the page. At 9pm the live broadcast should appear on the main page.
If anyone is unable to view it live, I understand iTunes will make it available to all, free of charge, for a few days after the event.
May I wish all the Fantoines, who are lucky enough to attend, a wonderful evening. At times like this I regret living 500+ miles from London but we can all join in the fun with this free broadcast.
I do hope it works for all of you.
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Interview in the Sunday Express
Another fabulous photograph from Jonathan’s publicity photoshoot. It’s fast becoming a Fantoines favourite. I think the photographer is Darren Bell but hope to have that confirmed shortly.
Did you see the Sunday Express today? It had a super article about Jonathan. You can read it here.
I had a wee smile when I read his Mum Tracy ‘sits in quietly on the interview’. Tracy, along with his sister Charlotte and his Dad John, have taken on the role of Jonathan’s unofficial managers - in the absence of any official management - and are doing a splendid job. Well done the Antoine family who are loved by so many of us.
This week brings more excitement. Post to follow. Tweet
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Balcony Shows Wow The Public
Apologies for not keeping you all informed daily of Jonathan’s travels but I’ve a wee retina problem in one eye and am trying not to spend much time on the computer. (Trying being the word!)
Jonathan’s Balcony Show tour of England and Wales this week has been a massive success. Well done to Sony for organising this so well and congratulations to Jonathan for magnificent performances on each occasion.
After Manchester he travelled to Birmingham where he sang from the balcony at Pizza Express in the Bullring. He’s pictured above with the manager of Pizza Express, Sam Rahman, who posted the photograph on Jonathan’s Facebook page.
Onwards to Cardiff on Saturday where many fans had gathered to hear his last balcony performance. The wonderful Chris Needs was there to rally the crowds while Fantoines rushed around distributing flyers to everyone.
In the coming week I hope to post a video or two if I can get permission from the owners.
There’s no doubt Jonathan’s first CD is going to be a sell out and signed copies of it and vinyl are available here. These are limited editions and selling very fast so get your orders in now.
If you attended any of the Balcony Shows it would be good to hear your thoughts so please comment at the end of this post. Thanks.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Jonathan in Manchester (video)
I’m hoping Lindsay doesn’t mind me posting this here. I did ask her permission and her reply was ambiguous as I don’t think she saw my comment on Facebook.
It seems it was raining in Manchester this afternoon and cool, yet here in the Highlands it was sunny, warm and 21 degrees. Is it any wonder the folk in the British Isles always speak about ‘the weather’.
Scotland isn’t always cold, damp and wet!
Sit back, relax and enjoy. Thank you very much Lindsay. I don’t think you realise you’ve made so very many Fantoines, who don’t use Facebook or Twitter, very happy. I think this is a super recording considering it was done on a mobile phone.
It seems it was raining in Manchester this afternoon and cool, yet here in the Highlands it was sunny, warm and 21 degrees. Is it any wonder the folk in the British Isles always speak about ‘the weather’.
Scotland isn’t always cold, damp and wet!
Sit back, relax and enjoy. Thank you very much Lindsay. I don’t think you realise you’ve made so very many Fantoines, who don’t use Facebook or Twitter, very happy. I think this is a super recording considering it was done on a mobile phone.
Newcastle Discovering Jonathan Antoine (video)
This one is courtesy of Gillian. Dare I say the 60s words ‘ it’s smashing’? Rather like his debut CD will be - but we all know that don’t we?
Jonathan in Newcastle (videos)
Apologies for the delay in posting but slight vision problems here owing to old age!
Here are some videos from Carol and her expert video cameraman Robert who were present. They aren’t all the videos taken but I’ve been given permission by Carol to post them.
Thank you so much Carol.
Here are some videos from Carol and her expert video cameraman Robert who were present. They aren’t all the videos taken but I’ve been given permission by Carol to post them.
Thank you so much Carol.
Homage to Jonathan (video)
The lovely Sandra Flip Flop Guard Wright has given me permission to post her Homage to Jonathan video here. She made it as a tribute to Jonathan prior to his album release on 13 October.
Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. Tweet
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Jonathan to be the Guest of Placido Domingo
There’s more exciting news. Rather like buses, we wait for some time, then two or more come along at the same time.
However, this news is exciting.
Jonathan is to be the guest of Placido Domingo (my second favourite tenor) at the iTunes Festival on Saturday 30 September. The concert will take place at the Roundhouse, Chalk Farm Road, London, NW1 8EH. This concert is the Festival’s last one and obviously it’s intended it finishes on a very high note (excuse the pun). For legal reasons tickets are only available to those resident in the UK.
Tickets are free but it’s a lottery. You can apply to win free tickets here. No travel or accommodation is included should you win tickets. Please read the FAQs on the same page and note that should you be lucky enough to win tickets, you must confirm before the 72-hour deadline, so check your email daily.
According to the programme Placido will start at approximately 9.00pm and performances finish around 10.30pm. All ticket holders must in there by 8.00pm.
However, all is not lost for those who don’t win tickets because iTunes say:
Fans around the world can watch it for free — live or for a limited time afterward — with iTunes on their iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or computer, or big screen with Apple TV.
There are several ways to watch shows both live or afterwards for a limited time: Via the iTunes Store on your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, or computer. Using Apple TV (select iTunes Festival from the main menu) or using AirPlay. To learn more visit www.itunes.com/festival.
You can download iTunes here. If you use a Windows computer or Windows device click on the link after the Mac information.
I’ve never watched a live stream on iTunes before but I intend to do so before the 30 September - just to ensure it works for me.
Good luck if you apply for tickets.
Jonathan’s Balcony Shows - This Week
This weekend Jonathan announced a list of dates where he will be performing in Balcony Shows around England and Wales. For those who don’t know what Balcony Shows are - I confess I didn’t until told - they can be best described as the equivalent of a Flash Mob of One and completely free.
It is short notice for fans but the aim is for Jonathan to be heard by the general public. A great idea isn’t it?
The free shows will take place during lunchtimes and no exact time has been given in the schedule so I presume they will take place between 12.00 noon and 2.00pm.
I will list then here and also in the Events Page.
Wednesday 24 September - The Thistle Hotel, Newcastle
Thursday 25 September - Manchester Cathedral
Friday 26 September - Pizza Express, Bull Ring, Birmingham
Saturday 27 September - Castle Arcade, Cardiff
Jonathan has said on his Facebook page that he will be singing outdoors at these venues so be prepared to look for him there.
Note: The graphic of a new card I designed is above. I understand someone is having a similar one printed but that won’t be in time for the Balcony Shows so if anyone would like for use this one to print some for their own use, please help yourself.
Saturday, 20 September 2014
A Little Piece of Florida
Some of you may think this video has nothing to do with Jonathan, but as his family loves to holiday in Florida, it does have a slight connection.
It was sent to me by a Fantoine, Sandra Cashes, who lives in Florida and works in this splendid environment. Thank you Sandra.
Perhaps the Antoine family may come and visit you while they’re over there on holiday. I know they read this blog and Jonathan adores animals, so don’t be surprised if they turn up on your doorstep! Tweet
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Another Date for your Diary
On Tuesday Jonathan announced another performance date with Raymond Gubbay’s Last Night of the Autumn Proms.
This time the venue is the Cliffs Pavilion in Southend and the date is Sunday 30 November.
Please note this concert starts at 3.00pm which I think is a sensible time as we will be well into the early darkness of winter.
To book tickets please click this link. One Fantoine, who lives near Southend, said the venue is lovely. If I lived nearer, instead of over 500 miles away, I would have loved to spend a winter’s afternoon at such an event - plus having the thrill of hearing my favourite tenor! Tweet
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
TENORE - Release Dates for the US, Canada and Japan
Image courtesy of Bjarne Hemmingsen
Sony Masterworks have taken on board requests for TENORE to be available in the US and Canada.
It is to be released in the US on 4 November and in Canada and Japan on 14 October.
For those of you overseas how are hesitant about using Amazon’s UK site to order your copy(s) now you can do it comfortably if you live in the US, Canada or Japan. At present MP3 is only available through iTunes and Amazon UK but that may change. I’ll keep you updated.
Before you ask, I have no idea why the delay in releasing it in the US. Perhaps it’s something to do with logistics or Sony US has decided to wait a couple of weeks to let it become the best album of the year in the UK (which of course it will be!)
Oh, while you’re on the TENORE page in Amazon, please add the CD to your ‘Wish List’. I understand this boosts the Amazon charts and it doesn’t cost you anything. Tweet
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